Hacks Newsletter Week 164: Ethical Tribing


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My friend and former colleague on a nonprofit board, Michael Golden, is at it again, with his latest bestselling book, Ethical Tribing: Connect the Next Generation to Israel in the Digital Era.
Michael has graciously agreed to unpack this complex idea and the book itself with this exclusive Q&A with #hacksthenewsletter. For all of you readers curious, let alone passionate, about Israeli, thought you’d enjoy his insights. And for those of you interested in the complete book, you can find it listed as an Amazon Bestsellter under Global Marketing, Digital Media, Judaism, Business & Marketing, and Computers & Technology. Find it here on Amazon.


AJR: What inspired you to coauthor Ethical Tribing: Connect the Next Generation to Israel in the Digital Era?
MG: The reason I decided to co-author Ethical Tribing, at the invitation of Joanna Landau, is because at the age of 56, one of the most important things in my life is contributing any type of work that will aid the mission of securing Israel’s future as the indispensable home of the Jewish People. 
My personal motivation for this cause derives from the many Holocaust survivors I have interviewed over the years both as a journalist and as an advocate for Jewish causes. I believe that far beyond religion, Jews are bound by a long history of unlikely survival — and triumphant accomplishment. I’ve written about the myriad contributions that Jews and Israelis have made to society — just in the last 150 years — and without question our world has benefited enormously from them. Israel’s future has the power to improve everyone’s future. 
AJR: What are the three most actionable insights you and your coauthor hope that readers will take away from the book?
MG: Those three insights are:

  1. If Jewish advocates want Israel and the Jewish People to flourish over the long term, we must engage and attract the Next Generation (adults 40 and under) to Israel. We have been losing them in recent decades, and so we must do this now — before it is too late. 
  1. “Ethical Tribing” is the strategy to accomplish this goal: By using social media and strategic storytelling to share the great advantages of Israel — ones that young people will actually be interested in — we can help shape the Next Gen’s perspectives on the country we love. 
  1. To truly achieve this goal, leaders who care deeply about Israel’s future can make a heroic impact by investing in “Ethical Tribing” at a level that will scale its impact on the Next Generation. The results of this mission may well factor into the status of Israel 100 years hence! 

Again, you can find Ethical Tribing: Connect the Next Generation to Israel in the Digital Era on Amazon.

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