Hacks Newsletter Week 98 – #HackingFoodAllergies


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Sonia Hunt Q & A : #HackingFoodAllergies

My longtime friend from the wine business to present, Sonia Hunt, has always impressed with her product management and marketing skills. To learn along the way that she also conquered a monster set of food allergies with panache and grace makes her all the more fierce.
Sonia impressively took the time to write down her life lessons from the experience in her latest book, NUT JOB: How I Crushed My Food Allergies To Thrive  (released August 2021).
You can read our exclusive Q&A with Sonia below- and you can buy a copy of NUT JOB here!
AJR: What inspired you to share your food allergy journey in book form?
SH: I see so many people in the world struggle with food issues—everything from food allergies and food restrictions, to wanting to eat and be healthier, and more. I am one of these people, and when another emergent situation found me lying on the emergency room table in 2008 almost dead, I vowed to change everything in my life to transform my health. I was so deeply focused on this transformation that I created a program called Three To Be™ to help me do it. I created and worked this program for a decade and in 2020, I found out that I eliminated my food allergies! My story and program needed to be told to help everyone who is suffering.
AJR: If you knew one thing before you started writing this book about the book writing process that you learned while doing so that you wish you had known, what would it be?
SH: The most important thing that I realized was this is my life’s work and putting a time limit on it to rush and finish was not going to allow me to craft the authentic and important storyline that I wanted to. This book came together over a 3-year process while I worked full-time, and during that time I continued to build my brand to be ready to launch and support this book.
AJR: If you had one or two tip-top recommendations (“hacks”) for those who face life threatening  food allergies like you did, what would it be?
SH: The top two “hacks” I would give to anyone are: (1) learning to cook and cooking consciously will better your health and the planet’s health, and (2) carrying a food allergy card is a must, and allows you to maneuver menus and help others to cook safely for you. It’s not just about what you can and cannot eat; it’s about how you bring ingredients together to make a dish allergy-free, scrumptious, and healthy for your overall body.
  • My book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3BjPfid
  • My website: https://soniahunt.com/
  • TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3uc3JN4HOU
  • FB: https://www.facebook.com/huntsonia/
  • IG: https://www.instagram.com/soniahunt/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/soniahunt
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WHAT: Talk & Taste Finance & Wine
WHEN: Wednesday, September 15th, 4:00 p.m. Cental / 5:00 p.m. Eastern
WHEREInstagram Live! @alyssajrapp

Missed the previous episode of #talkandtaste? 
Watch the September 1st episode here.


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