Hacks Newsletter – Week 29 – Graduating Into a Brave New World


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Graduating Into a Brave New World

I had the pleasure of co-chairing my Yale Class of 2000 20th reunion this weekend. Conducted entirely over Zoom, it featured a variety of impressive speakers (including pop-up performances by Ben Eakeley and Maiya Sykes), with attendees tuning in from all over the world. Though I missed reconnecting with classmates in person, I was amazed at the power of technology to bring us together. 

As I reflect on the reunion, I find myself thinking about many of you (or your family members) who are graduating this summer. This graduation is unlike any other: views of sunny campuses have migrated to virtual Zoom backgrounds, with students “walking” in their living rooms. Our graduates are graduating into a Brave New World. Hopefully, these hacks will inspire you during these momentous milestone events—and beyond. 

  • Leadership Hack #44: When seeking a mentor, take initiative. 

There are plenty of potential mentors, but you have to do the work to find them. Make use of the resources available to you, put yourself out there, and don’t feel shy about approaching your heroes or the people that you admire. The worst they can say is no. 

  • Leadership Hack #14 (COVID-19 edition): Never be afraid to ask “What if?”

If you want to solve a problem, you have to open yourself up to the possibility that change is inevitable, and reframing the problem will present an otherwise undiscovered solution. My favorite question to ask myself as an entrepreneur and executive—a question I even ask my students—is, “If not this, what, and if not now, when?”

  • Leadership Hack #15: Your character is defined by who you are within.

Your identity doesn’t come from titles, degrees, accomplishments, or successes. If you can establish that early on, you’ll be able to transition better because you won’t be leaving your entire identity behind when you move from one job (or career, or relationship, or house) to the next. Stay as mindful, too, about whom you choose to surround yourself with during those transitions. To quote my dear mentor Joel Peterson, people show themselves to you early. Your job is to pay attention.

Happy Memorial Day weekend! 

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