Hacks Newsletter Week 168 – Wine and the White House


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Wine and the White House:

As spring blooms in Washington D.C., images of cherry blossoms abound. Which makes me think about our nations Capitol.

No matter your personal politics, the White House of the United States is one of our great governmental and cultural institutions. As such, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy founded the White House Historical Association as an independent, non-profit partner of the White House to “understand, appreciate and enjoy the Executive Mansion.” It is no surprise that one of the great traditions of the White House are State Dinners, all of which include great thoughtfulness around menu, seating, décor, and of course, wine. Whether special half-sized bottles of “Great Western Natural Champagne from New York” produced during the Reagan Administration to exquisite menus for State Dinners featuring some of the greatest wines across America, the breadth and depth of the history of wine at the White House is as complex and storied as the wines themselves. Best of all, The White House Historical Association has attempted to document the rich history of “The Presidents and their Wines” in a beautiful, coffee table book Wine and the Wine House: A History by Frederick J. Ryan, Jr.
I encourage you to pick it up as an ode to the wine enthusiast, history lover, or American patriot alike. Find it here.
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