Hacks Newsletter – Week 8 – Holiday Hacks of the Week


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Holiday Hacks of the Week

Holiday Hack of the Week 1
Life Hack #75: No matter what kind of event you’re hosting, thoughtfully curate your seating arrangements. If you take the time to think about where people are sitting—and to connect with them one-on-one—they will feel appreciated for attending. 

Holiday Hack of the Week 2 (Reprise) 
Life Hack #97: Leverage your children (or your friend’s children) to make name cards for dinner. That way they get to practice their penmanship – and learn about who’s coming to your home. 

Holiday Hack 3 (New!)
Old Friends Matter. One of the great joys of writing a book and having launch parties around the country has been the opportunity to catch up with great, old friends around the country. Like with ornaments and menorah, as friends go, oldies are truly the goodies. The familiarity, trust, humor, and resilience that forges friendships over decades is a gift that keeps on giving.

Holiday Bonus Hack: Tell one of your oldest friends many of the things you have valued in him/her this holiday season. Card, text, email, call—use whatever form is most natural for your friendship (although I am partial to old-fashioned, hand-written cards, as you may know). And if you are fortunate, raise a glass with as many old friends as you can this holiday season, too. Time is a gift in close friendships. Cherish your tribe.

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Thank you to those of you who have been reaching out via social media and LinkedIn to share your thoughts and responses to the book. Please head to Amazon & leave your review there as well! 

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Join Alyssa and the Hacks team for cocktails & conversation at The Riveter Coworking Space in Austin, TX. To RSVP, please email Irina Gavrilova at info@ajrventures.com.

In conversation with advisor and activist Christie Hefner, Alyssa will share insights from her book and provide strategies for everything from managing a household to taking colleagues to rock concerts. To RSVP, please email Irina Gavrilova at info@ajrventures.com.

Alyssa will be joining YaleWomen Chicago for a talk on the book. To RSVP, please email Irina Gavrilova at info@ajrventures.com.

Alyssa will be headlining a Viewpoints Event at the Center Club of Maryland. If you want to RSVP now, you can contact Janine Lis at the Center Club at jlis@centerclub.org. 

Alyssa will be discussing #hacksthebook at the Women’s Athletic Club of Chicago. To RSVP, please email Irina Gavrilova at info@ajrventures.com.

The Stanford Chicago Alumni Association will be hosting Alyssa for a book talk in March. More details to follow soon!


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There will be no end to the curveballs that life throws. As soon as you feel comfortable, another setback or new challenge will arise. Alyssa Rapp is driven to help people like her—the doers, those who keep swinging—seek to succeed in both life and career. Every challenge is an opportunity, are you making the most of yours?

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