Assessment Results

Your Life is Mostly Optimized!

Well done on putting systems and processes in place to ensure your daily routine runs smoothly and efficiently. You are quick to recognize opportunities to optimize your life. Whether it is at home or at work, you are always looking for ways to improve — to create better, quicker ways to get things done. 

You already have what matters most: an eager mindset. So why not delve even deeper and move closer to your optimal level of efficiency? Here is a tip from Leadership and Life Hacks for you to consider:

Leadership Hack #40: Communication is idiosyncratic to each individual. Think of your relationships with your people like a nice suit: they have to be bespoke if you want everything to fit. Don’t make the mistake of thinking one size fits all. Take the time to learn about people’s preferred communication styles, then tailor your communications dynamics accordingly.

Hungry for more hacks? Because you are clearly committed to fine-tuning your life, here’s a free chapter to get you started.

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Have a friend or teammate who could benefit from optimizing their life? Share my assessment with them today, and keep in touch by sharing your hacks with me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn with #hacksthebook.