Hacks Newsletter Week 212 – Memorial Day 2024


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I remember back in my Bottlenotes days that Memorial Day BBQ grilled foods and wine pairings were a perennial favorite.
In the spirit of inspiring us to all to grill it up, I hope you enjoy these timeless BBQ and wine pairings tips for this Memorial Day Weekend!
Memorial Day Burgers and All-American Wine Pairings
Black Bean Burgers and Chardonnay
Interested in feasting on one or more burgers without the guilt this Memorial Day weekend? Black bean burgers are light and airy compared to their beef counterparts and are super with a rich, All-American Chardonnay. My personal favorites are by Far Niente, Fisher Vineyards, or for a real splurge, Kistler.
Salmon Burgers and Sauvignon Blanc
Cannot go wrong with salmon burgers for us pescatarians; I am a big fan of the sockeye salmon burgers from Vital Choice. A salmon burger probably pairs beautifully with the chardonnays previously mentioned, as well as with a classic Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc like Charles Krug Sauvignon Blanc, Decoy by Duckhorn, Cakebread, or Spring Mountain Vineyard.
Classic Hamburger (or Beyond Meat Burgers!) and Cabernet Sauvignon (or a red blend)
I am a pinot lover. Period, full stop. I think a classic hamburger (33 great recipes available here) and/or an “Impossible burger” (right out of the package onto the grill) are great Memorial Day fare. And you almost never go wrong in pairing burgers with Cabernet Sauvignon. I have too many cabernet favorites to count. Since it was our wedding wine, why don’t we go all out and recommend Fisher Vineyard’s Coach Insignia or our newest admiration, Seavey Caravina Cabernet Sauvignon
Cheers to a safe and satisfying Memorial Day!
Post Script: It’s obviously rose season now-so dial up the Whispering Angel and enjoy! And if hanging by the pool or grill, never too soon to stock up on your Maker Wine Cans! 
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